Methodist Men Celebrate Men's Month with Worship, Health Talks, and Fellowship

Men in the Methodist church here are joining their counterparts in the Methodist Churches in the Caribbean and Americas (MCCA) in celebrating February as Men’s Month.

The activities began with Praise, Worship & Testimony on Sunday, and will conclude with MCCA Lord’s Day on the 23rd.

Other activities include Health Talk at Bethany (Judy Piece) Methodist Church on Tuesday 18th February at 6.30pm.

The speaker for this event Clinical Psychologist Adegboyega Bamisile.

Fellowship and Games Night is on Friday 21st February, 6.30 pm at Bethesda.

The mission of MCCA Men is to provide inspiration, leadership and opportunities for Methodist men in the Caribbean and the Americas.

It aims to develop and offer resources and empower men at district, circuit and congregational levels to engage in a dynamic, vibrant and meaningful Christian ministry.

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