Hon. Donaldson Romeo Appeals to UK Secretary of State for Urgent Life and Economy Saving Action Regarding Montserrat's Air Travel

Former Premier of Montserrat and Opposition Member, Honourable Donaldson Romeo, has written to the United Kingdom Secretary of State, outlining the severe risks to the lives and economy of Montserrat.

According to a release made available to ZJB newsroom, Mr. Romeo stated that he wrote to David Lammy on August 4th, 2024, discussing the unresolved safety issues, and the current limitations on air and sea access to the island, and requested actions to be implemented immediately.

Mr. Romeo requested the reinstatement of the Twin Otter aircraft for safer and more economical air travel to Montserrat; and the restoration of a regular and affordable ferry service between Montserrat and Antigua.

Additionally, he requested the initiation of an independent, transparent assessment of Montserrat’s access problems and needs with strong whistle-blower protection and the right to interview all relevant persons, including the local Governor and her superiors.

Mr. Romeo said these requests were supported by accompanying documentation including brief notes on safety, which he had submitted to the “Access Special Committee” of the Montserrat Legislative Assembly.

The former Premier says these notes included information supporting the use and suitability of the Islander verses the Twin Otter aircraft at Montserrat’s John A. Osborne Airport.

Further, the release stated that a 2023 petition was submitted from Montserratians to the FCDO, entitled “Montserrat Needs Safe, Affordable and Reliable Access for Growth and Sustainable Development for All”.

On addressing safety and economic concerns, Honourable Romeo, in the release, further requested that Air Safety Support International (ASSI) determine whether or not it is safe for single-engine helicopters to be used to carry civilian passengers to and from Montserrat; that night-time security be immediately reinstated at Montserrat’s John A. Osborne Airport; and that affordable air fares be put in place.

For full transparency and to facilitate timely cooperation to resolve access issues here, Mr Romeo says all correspondence with the UK Secretary of State, inclusive of supporting documentation, has also been copied to the FCDO’s Director; the Governor of Montserrat, Governor, Her Excellency Sarah Tucker; Premier of Montserrat, the Honourable Joseph-Farrell; Montserrat’s Leader of the Parliamentary Opposition, Honourable Paul Lewis; MP for Hull, Honourable Dame Diana Johnson; MP for Romford, Honourable Andrew Rosindell; Montserrat’s Attorney General and Commissioner of Police, and Dr. Saphia Fleury, Wilberforce Institute, Hull.