Paul Gravel Calls on Government of Montserrat & ASSI To Allow Twin Otter Aircraft At John A Osborne Airport

The worsening fuel situation combined with other factors have caused SVG Air to re-evaluate their relationship with Montserrat.

Also speaking on the Breakfast Show on Tuesday, managing director of SVG Air, Paul Gravel, discussed several factors that are affecting the airline’s operations to Montserrat.

He says the Government of Montserrat is working with them to find a solution.

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Meantime, Mr. Gravel is calling on the government of Montserrat and Air Safety Support International (ASSI) to grant permission for twin otters to operate into and out of the island.

He says the cost of AVgas and its low supply and demand mean that operating islander aircraft is no longer a viable business.

Mr Gravel says that due to hurricane Beryl, the airlines operations in St. Vincent and the Grenadines have decreased, making a twin otter aircraft available for Montserrat and the surrounding islands.

He also quoted the more-affordable jet fuel as a benefit of using the twin otter. However, policies in place make it impossible to utilize the aircraft.

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Paul Gravel.

Meantime… Premier of Montserrat, the Honourable Joseph Farrell says the Government of Montserrat is making all possible and necessary arrangements to ensure the fuel shortage issue is rectified.

He says that this is an important matter that needs to be fixed as soon as possible.

Premier Farrell states that they are looking at additional available options to ensure that this situation is quickly remedied.