Rotary Club of Montserrat Welcomes its new Executive Committee 2024/25

OLVESTON, Montserrat – July 19th, 2024 – The Rotary Club of Montserrat has elected a new Executive Committee that took effect from July 1 for the period July 1 2024 to June 31 2025 under the Rotary International theme: The Magic of Rotary.  The team comprises:

-        Keri Matthew – President

-        Deonne Peters – Assistant Governor and Secretary

-        Audris Jno-Baptiste – President Elect for 2025-26

-        Yvette Lee – Immediate Past President

-        Nicole S Duberry – Treasurer

-        Linda Dias – Foundation Director

-        Siobhan Tuitt – Services Director

-        Michelle Cassell – Membership Director

-        Jenzil Skerritt – Public Image Chair

During the Club’s Installation of Officers’ ceremony, President Keri outlined the main area of focus for the new year as improving financial literacy among children and the wider community. He shared a number of exciting projects the Club will execute during the year to include:

  1. a Montserrat Math Marathon (Mcube) for primary school students, to foster a higher level of mathematical ability while rewarding and recognizing these abilities.

  2. a secondary school entrepreneurship challenge that provides students with the experience of starting up their own business, applying business and accounting principles learned within the classroom, and experiencing the rewards of owning their own business; and

  3. panel discussions and training surrounding financial literacy and financial inclusion.

Following up from the Club’s successful bid for a District Grant of US$5000 in 2023 for its Water Cooler project, efforts will also be made again this year secure grant funding for local projects.  Residents can also look forward to scholarship opportunities under the Georgia Rotary Scholarship Program (GRSP) and Rotary Peace Fellowship.  Mohit Sadhwani was the most recent recipient of a scholarship under the GRSP.

The new President of the Rotaract Club of Montserrat is Ms. Vanessa Mark while Ms. Keirra Daly is the President of the Interact Club.

The Rotary Club of Montserrat is a non-profit community service organization.  Meetings are held weekly from 7:00pm to 8:00pm at Olveston House and occasionally at Grand Phoenix Restaurant in Brades.  Persons interested in joining the Club or supporting its projects can find more information on the Club’s website  or by emailing