Her Excellency the Governor, Mrs Sarah Tucker, Mr Herman ‘Cupid’ Francis and Mr Howard Tucker, met virtually last week with Mr Tim Wright, Mrs Rachel Wright and Ms Carmen Craven-Grew of the Guernsey Music Service. This was to finalise arrangements for the Small Beginnings Youth Orchestra Music Summer School which this year will be held at the Cultural Centre from the 12th to 22nd August.

Tim and his colleagues will join the Small Beginnings teaching team for the two weeks.

The summer school will highlight the significance of building friendships, enhancing the children of Montserrat’s musical education, and fostering cultural exchange between both islands. The programme will enable children from the local community to come together and participate in a rich musical programme, led by music instructors from both the Guernsey Music Service and the Small Beginnings Youth Orchestra.

Registration forms for the Small Beginnings Youth Orchestra Summer School can be collected at the Governor’s Office or directly from Mr Herman ‘Cupid’ Francis. The fee for the two-week program is XCD 50.00, payable on registration. Drinks and lunch will be provided each day for the children and there will be a demonstration of all the learning on the afternoon of Friday 23rd August. Registration closes on Friday

26th July.

Please note children must be pre-registered to be a part of the activities. Join us in harmonising our communities and creating unforgettable musical memories at the Small Beginnings Youth Orchestra Summer School. For more information relating to the summer school, please feel free to contact the

Governor’s Office at 491-2688 or Mr Herman Cupid Francis at 496-7877.