Payment Issues Plague Port Development Project

A situation appears to be brewing where inconsistent payments are threatening to negatively impact the new port development project for Montserrat.

There have been reports circulating here about what has been described as an untenable situation where workers, suppliers, and landlords, among others, have not received payments for some time now.

ZJB News reached out to Meridian Construction Limited, the contractors for the port project, to get an understanding of the situation as it stands at present.

And in an interview with James White Jr, project manager Peter Wattenhoffer started out by giving an indication as to when last they received payments from the financiers.

Project manager for Meridian Construction Company, Peter Wattenhoffer.

Meantime, Premier and minister for finance, Honourable Joseph Farrell, in a statement to ZJB News, said that he empathizes with the workers and understands that they have commitments that have been disrupted.

Premier Farrell also emphasized that this situation of payments has nothing to do with the Government of Montserrat, but he hopes this matter can be resolved as soon as possible.

Premier, the Honourable Joseph Farrell.