Premier Farrell Repeats Call For Climate Financing In Wake Of Hurricane Beryl

Montserrat’s leader of government business is hopeful that more developed countries can begin to think more clearly on ways to help Montserrat and other small island developing states- SIDS.

Premier, the Honourable Joseph Farrell, says that climate change and climate financing was a major topic during last month’s SIDS 4 conference.

Premier Farrell was speaking to ZJB News on the decisions made by Cabinet last week to donate one hundred thousand EC dollars to the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA), all part of efforts to assist islands impacted by Hurricane Beryl.

Premier Farrell says that over ninety per cent of the United Kingdom’s biodiversity is in the Overseas Territories, and the impact of climate change causes adverse effects to the flora and fauna in the OTs.

Premier Joseph Farrell.