Parliamentary Secretary Calls for Protection of SIDS Against Effects of Climate Change

Parliamentary Secretary Honourable Veronica Dorsette-Hector has issued a clarion call for legislation to protect small island development states from the detrimental effects of climate change.

She was speaking at the SIDS4 conference in Antigua on the topic Climate Change and Environmental Legislation in Support of the Delivery of the New Programme of Action for SIDS.

During her presentation Mrs. Dorsette-Hector explained how innovative laws can boost climate finance in Caribbean SIDS.

She also called on parliamentarians to create legislation that positively impact the lives of people, and to create awareness of climate change in the communities.

Honourable Veronica Drosette-Hector.

The event was organized by the Parliamentary Observatory on Climate Change and Just Transition (OPCC)

In related news…..

A fellow British Overseas Territory continues to advocate for climate financing for the BOT’s in the region, including Montserrat.

Anguilla, under the guidance of the Minister for the Environment Quincia Gumbs-Marie has been at the forefront of those calls to mitigate against climate change .

The British Overseas Territories in the Caribbean, unlike their independent neighbours, do not have access to the trillions of dollars expected under the Loss and Damage Fund.

She also points to the lack of support from the British Government since Brexit.

Quincia Gumbs-Marie, Minister for the Environment in Anguilla, speaking on Women of the West Indies, which was aired at 4:30pm on Wednesday on Radio Montserrat.