Residents Urged to be Prepared for Above-Normal Hurricane Season

As the 2024 Atlantic Hurricane season moves into its third day today, Governor, Her Excellency Sarah Tucker, is impressing upon residents the need to be prepared.

In her message to mark the start of the hurricane season, Governor Tucker, spoke of a number of things that residents need to do, including staying informed by visiting official information sources such as the Disaster Management Coordination Agency (DMCA’s) website.

She emphasized the need to have a plan in place.

Governor, Her Excellency Sarah Tucker

Meantime, Premier, the Honourable Joseph Farrell has also stressed the need for residents to finalize preparations for what is predicted to be an above-average Atlantic hurricane season.

Premier Farrell encourages vigilance in a quest to secure lives and property.

Premier, the Honourable Joseph Farrell.

…..and Director of the Disaster Management Coordination Agency (DMCA), Lieutenant Colonel Alvin Ryan points out the predictions of an above-normal season by the American National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

He also doubled down on the need for residents to be prepared and to stay prepared.

Lieutenant Colonel Alvin Ryan.