Honourable Crenston Buffonge Pleased With Improvement To Duck Pond Farm Road

Minister of Agriculture, Lands, Housing, and the Environment (MALHE), Honorable Crenston Buffonge says he is pleased with the extension of the access road to the Duck Pond/Lawyers Mountain area.

Speaking with ZJB Radio, the minister described the problems farmers have faced with access to the area and how the extension will benefit them.

He also discussed other benefits of the extension including job creation, hiking, and a hope of increased farming production.

Minister of Agriculture, Honorable Crenston Buffonge.

As MAHLE continues to prioritise agricultural development and food security on the island, the Ministry says resurfacing of the access road to the Duck Pond/Lawyers Mountain area stands as a testament to their unwavering commitment to building a prosperous and resilient Montserrat.

Moving forward, the Ministry remains steadfast in its efforts to promote sustainable agriculture and ensure a bright future for generations to come.