The Electoral Commission to Commence House Visits for Preliminary Voters List

The Electoral Commission has announced the start of house visits by enumerators.

Starting on Monday 26 June 2023 house to house visits will be made by enumerators to gather information which will be used to compile the preliminary voters list.

To be included on the preliminary voters list persons must be a Commonwealth Citizen of the age of l8 years or upwards; and have resided in Montserrat for at least 36 months prior to the 26th of June 2023.

To be registered persons must also be domiciled in Montserrat and is resident of Montserrat at the date of registration.

According to the Electoral Commission, enumerators will go house-to-house in Salem, St Peter's, Brades, Davy Hill, St. Johns and Look Out and all surrounding areas.

The Commission is encouraging the Public to provide the necessary information to the enumerators so that the list

can be accurately compiled.

General elections in Montserrat are constitutionally due in 2024.