Government Committed To Helping Farmers In Montserrat

The Ministry of Agriculture says it is committed to helping farmers in one of the island’s main agriculture areas gain better access to water.

Drought conditions have affected production in Blakes and the ministry says help is on the way.

Acting Director Dr. Selvyn Maloney told the farmers at a recent meeting that an irrigation system is being worked on with implementation expected this financial year.

Meantime, Minister of Agriculture Honourable Crenston Buffonge says says access to water is one of the main areas of support to farmers by the ministry.

He says over the past three years 163 water storage tanks were distributed.

A dam in duck was also refurbished with the capacity to store 600, 000 gallons of water. Another dam is under construction in Cork Hill to assist farmers in that area.

Meantime Minister Buffonge reveals that the government will continue its water subsidy programme to assist farmers with metered water.

100,000 dollars that were allocated in 2022 will be rolled over into the 2023-2024 financial year.