Montserrat Strengthens Biosecurity

Further steps were taken recently to to improve montserrat’s biosecurity.

 Head of GB Non-native Species Secretariat , NNSS, Dr Niall Moore and UK Overseas Territories Biosecurity Project Officer James Millett visited the island as part of an ongoing programme to help improve biosecurity protocols on island.

 The NNSS have been implementing the UK Overseas Territories Biosecurity Project which helps UKOT governments and organisations strengthen biosecurity and management of invasive non-native species.

 The work is funding by the UK Government including Official Development Aid (ODA).  

 For Montserrat the assistance includes the production of contingency plans for invasive red fire ant and increased awareness to prevent species such as the Giant African Land Snail from arriving on the island. 

 Training in Pest Risk Assessments for imports that may pose a biosecurity risk, technical support to review and revise biosecurity legislation, and provision of much needed equipment to assist with biosecurity surveillance and quarantine at ports of entry, also forms part of the assistance.

 Dr Moore stated that Montserrat has a unique environment which, like most islands, is under serious threat from invasive species of plants and animals. 

 Therefore it is vital to protect the environment and agriculture from the arrival of even more invasive species and improving biosecurity is the best way of achieving this.

 Meanwhile Millett noted that Montserrat has made great progress in the management of non-native species exemplified by the success of the feral animal management programme.

 However reducing the risk of new potentially invasive species arriving on the island is key to protecting biodiversity and agriculture.  

 The Ministry of Agriculture, Lands Housing and the Environment says it is very much appreciative of the assistance, improving livelihoods through food security and native species health.

 The UK’s Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) is an executive agency that works to safeguard animal and plant health for the benefit of people, the environment and the economy.

 It, sponsored by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, the Welsh Government, and The Scottish Government.

 It is responsible for identifying and controlling endemic and exotic diseases and pests in animals, plants and bees, and surveillance of new and emerging pests and diseases, and acts as an international reference laboratory for many overseas territories.

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