Some Progress Made Between Government of Montserrat & Nurses’ Association But Several Critical Issues Remain Outstanding

The Government of Montserrat and the Montserrat Nurses’ Association have made some progress in their ongoing negotiations for better working conditions.

Cabinet, met earlier this month to discuss the submissions made by the Nurses through the Ministry of Health and Social Services.

The nurses have been calling for better working conditions such as increased salaries and additional staff.

In April they mounted a peaceful demonstration on the Glendon Hospital compound to press government to address their long-standing grievances.

Recently Cabinet agreed that the Nurses Sessional allowance would be increased from 150 to 300 dollars across the board, effective from the month of August. 

However, both sides remain far apart on the big issues - namely salaries and Uniform allowances.

There is no agreement on the uniform allowance, which currently stands at $900. Cabinet noted that issues such as allowances and salaries could not be dealt with at this time because of the timing in the budget cycle.

However the Nurses will now benefit from duty-free concessions on uniform material and shoes, among other things, through the Montserrat Nurses Association.

The Ministry of Health reported that it is in the process of procuring equipment from the United Kingdom such as hoists for lifting patients.

Cabinet also informed the Nurses that the recruitment of more staff is ongoing.


The Nurses Association in a statement said while they are grateful to the Ministry for their hard work and effort, it is not fully satisfied, especially on the issues of allowances and remuneration.

However, the Association says it understands it will take time to resolve all the issues that are on the table.

It says it is also looking forward to continuing the open communication with the Ministry of Health and hopes for more favorable outcomes in the near future.

In a further development Parliamentary Secretary the Honourable Veronica Hector-Dorsette is not quite satisfied with the outcome of the talks so far.

Mrs Hector-Dorsette wants to see agreement on the key issues.

She says the Nurses’ have given of their all to the Montserrat community throughout the years, and again during the COVID-19 pandemic and deserve to be treated better.