St Augustine Primary Raise over $21,000 From Radiothon

The St. Augustine Primary School secured over $21,000 in donations over the weekend in a drive to continue to provide quality education to their students.

The private catholic school hosted a two-hour radiothon on Radio Montserrat during the Cultural Show last Saturday morning, with a few alumni and teachers forming a panel of hosts.

They were joined by some invited guests with the aim of raising $45,000.

The school was able to raise $21,572 from forty-two pledges.

There were some callers into the programme who made pledges and others off air who also pledged their donations

The on-air callers also spoke of their school experiences, as well as joined the panelists on various topics such as popular teachers over the years and the school’s transition from Plymouth to north of the island.

Principal Claudia Skerritt, and before her alumni, Nadia Browne and Tiffanie Skerritt.

In a Facebook post Saturday afternoon, the school expressed its gratitude to the public for their donations and pledges and added that further donations could be made via their Bank of Montserrat account.

The full details can be found via their Facebook page.