The DMCA Steps up Preparations for Start of the Hurricane Season

Montserrat’s readiness for the 2022 Atlantic Hurricane Season was the focus of a half-day conference last week.

The Disaster Management Coordination Agency (DMCA) held its annual Hurricane Conference and Expo on Friday, June 17, 2022, under the theme “Be prepared, stay prepared, it only takes one”.

The conference aimed to improve hurricane preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation on Montserrat to save lives, reduce damage to homes, communities, and infrastructure and to recover more quickly if a tropical storm or hurricane should impact the island.

It also aimed to bring a broad cross-section of stakeholders together from both the private and public sector, who will provide updates on their organization’s level of readiness for the Hurricane Season.

The event also served as a national forum to exchange ideas and generate solutions for any possible hurricane-related challenges Montserrat may face to improve the island’s resilience to storms or hurricanes.

Several presentations were made at the conference to include the Disaster Management Coordination Agency Hurricane readiness and the Outlook and Forecast for the 2022 Atlantic Hurricane Season.

Various stakeholders also provided updates on Montserrat’s infrastructure, food and fuel stock.

The expo showcased communication equipment, first aid and emergency survival kits used in emergency situations.