Budget Day on Montserrat Set for Monday March 28th

The Government of Montserrat will present its estimates and revenues for 2022-23, next week.

A press release issued by the Government Information Unit, GIU announced that Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Joseph Farrell will deliver the island’s 2022-2023 Budget in the Legislative Assembly on Monday March 28, 4:30p.m. at the Montserrat Cultural Centre

The Minister of Finance will present a budget of a total of $194.03 million.

The Budget Debate will follow on Thursday March 31 and Friday April 1 starting at 9:00a.m. on both days.

The public is invited to tune in to ZJB radio 95.5 or 88.3fm, or to view the presentation on DIGICEL Channel 96 or online via GIU’s YouTube page.