Montserrat Sports Second Highest Gas Prices in the ECCU for January 2022

Montserrat has the second highest average gas prices within Eastern Caribbean Currency Union.. ECCU.

That’s according to figures issued by the the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank dated January 2022.

Anguilla tops the charts with $17.93 per gallon, followed by Montserrat with $16.05 per gallon.

Grenada is third with $15.00 per gallon, followed by St Vincent and the Grenadines on $14.56 and St Lucia, fifth with $13.95.

Antigua and Barbuda has the lowest gas prices in the ECCU with $12.50 per cent.

Dominica has the second lowest with $12.68 and St Kitts and Nevis the third lowest with $13.38 per gallon.

Meantime, Montserrat and St Lucia tie for the having the 3rd highest average diesel prices within the ECCU, with $13.95 per gallon.

St Kitts and Nevis has the highest with $15.46 followed by Grenada on $15.00.

Anguilla is next on the charts with $12.70 per gallon, ahead of St Vincent and the Grenadines on $12.38 and Antigua and Barbuda on $12.20.

Dominica has the lowest with 10.54 per gallon.

As of February 11th, regular gas at the pump on island, is being sold at $16.05 while Premium is being sold at $18.96. Diesel retails for $14.67.