Leader of the Opposition Calls for Quick Solution to the Sandmining Saga

The leader of the Parliamentary Opposition is calling on the government to immediately approve the additional sand mining sites as promised almost two years ago.

Honourable Paul Lewis says that the industry is suffering as a result of the non-action by the government

Mr. Lewis said he asked the Honourable Minister responsible for sand mining, in particular, on a number of occasions in the Legislative Assembly when would the approval take place..

Opposition leader, Honourable Paul Lewis.

Meantime, ZJB News contacted Minister of Agriculture the Honourable Crenston Buffonge for an update.

He says the Government is nearing a resolution to that matter.

Minister Buffonge says that the proposal to expand the mining sites in the southern part of the island is expected to be finalized shortly by the Cabinet.

He outlines that the recommendation is to amend the Physical Development Plan and this process has to go through the different stages of consultation.

He believes the end is now in sight and underscores the importance of the sand mining industry, which makes a significant contribution to the government coffers.

Mr. Buffonge says the government is doing all it can to finalize the process and bring certainty to the situation.