Montserrat’s Acting Auditor General to Take up a Position on the OECS Audit Committee

Montserrat’s Acting Auditor General is set to assume a position on the OECS Audit Committee.

Marsha Meade, will serve on the Audit Committee for the next three financial years, ending June 30, 2024.

The OECS Audit Committee provides independent oversight in the region’s financial reporting, control environment, risk management and governance processes.

Chairmanship of the Committee is rotated according to the Chairmanship of the OECS Authority and as a consequence, Grenada will assume the Chair for the Financial Year 2021 - 2022 at the upcoming meeting of the OECS Audit Committee.

The current Chair of the Audit Committee is Director of Audit, Mrs. Maylina Jno Ville, of the Commonwealth of Dominica (2020-2021), who will serve as Chair until the next meeting of the OECS Audit Committee when the Chairmanship is handed over to Grenada.

That meeting, the 9th Meeting of the OECS Audit Committee is confirmed for 30th September 2021 at 10am via the zoom meeting platform.

It is expected that Montserrat will assume the Chairmanship of the Audit Committee for the Financial Year 2022 - 2023, during which time, the Chairmanship of the OECS Authority is expected to be taken up by Premier Easton Farrell.

Meade’s presence for the three years, ensures that there is a troika which consists of the immediate past chair (Dominica), current chair (Grenada - 2021-2022) and incoming chair (Montserrat), as anticipated by the Terms of Reference.