A five-member independent committee has been established to conduct a three-month review of Montserrat’s Integrity Structures as established by the Legislative Assembly specifically the Integrity Commission and Complaints Commission. The review is among priority reforms for the Government of Montserrat and is being coordinated through the Governor’s Office, the Office of the Deputy Governor and assisted by the Commissions Secretariat in the Office of the Legislative Assembly.

The purpose of the assignment which commenced on September 1st 2021 is to make recommendations for strengthening the functions of our integrity systems which are seen by members of the public and other stakeholders as not being fit for purpose. The review Committee is tasked with examining the ability of the current Integrity related Commissions to operate and achieve outcomes, determine their effectiveness and where necessary make recommendations for possible improvements.

The Integrity Structures Review Committee comprises professionals from both the public and private sector with backgrounds in finance, data collection, policy development, politics, youth and community work, sports, and public sector management, among other areas.

The members are; i. Peter W A White as Chairman ii. Peter D. A. Queeley iii. Glen Francis iv. Siobhan N N Tuitt v. Gilmore Williams

During the review period September 1st, 2021 to November 30th,mail: During the review period September 1st, 2021 to November 30th, 2021, the Committee will seek the assistance of relevant stakeholders through in-person meetings, public consultations, and surveys to gather relevant information to aid in the review. Stakeholders will include current and former Members of Parliament, senior public servants, current and former Integrity and Complaints Commissioners, and members of the Montserrat public. At the end of the process a report with the relevant recommendations will be compiled and forwarded the His Excellency the Governor for his attention and actions where required.

NewsRadio Montserrat