UK Researchers to Embark on a Project to Help Protect Montserrat’s Marine Life

After more than a year delay due to the Covid-19 pandemic, researchers from the United Kingdom are about to embark on a project to help protect the island’s marine life.

The Marine Turtle Action Plan for Montserrat project, is led by the Government of Montserrat and the University of Exeter, and will work with local communities to help recover and manage marine turtle populations.

Although Montserrat hosts nesting populations of endangered green and critically endangered hawksbill turtles, Dr. Sam Webber from the University of Exeter says little is known about the size of the populations nesting here.

Dr. Sam Webber

Researchers will gather biological data, including nesting beach surveys and satellite tracking of the breeding female turtles, to develop a local turtle conservation action plan.

The relationship between local communities and marine turtles is poorly understood outside of the island.

Therefore the researchers will be using a Community Voice Method to record the thoughts, opinion, values and knowledge of local residents to factor into the plan.

Andeep Sanghera.