President of the Montserrat Civil Service Association Stresses Individual Right to Decide Whether or Not to Take the COVID-19 Vaccine

President of the Montserrat Civil Service Association Nyota Mulcare says it is important that residents be given a choice of whether or not to take the COVID-19 Vaccine.

Her comments follow news of protests across several Caribbean countries where governments are considering enforcing mandatory vaccination.

Ms. Mulcare says although this is not the case in Montserrat, she stressed the individual’s right to accept or refuse the jab.

President of the Civil Service Association Nyota Mulcare.

The government has not made the COVID-19 Vaccine mandatory in Montserrat although it had encouraged persons to take the jab.

This is in an effort to achieve herd immunity from the coronavirus, which is approximately 70 per cent of the population. 

To date, according to the latest COVID-19 report 1,460 persons on Montserrat have taken the first dose of the Astra Zeneca Vaccine, while 1,368 have taken the
second dose.