Montserrat’s Lone COVID-19 Case Now Fully Recovered

The number of active Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases on Montserrat has reverted to zero.

This follows an announcement by The Ministry of Health and Social Services that the island’s 21st case of of the virus has fully recovered.

The Ministry of Health indicates that the individual recovered with no complications and reveals that the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) has confirmed the strain of infection to be the Gamma variant.

Health officials have commended the public on the important role played in containment by following the outlined quarantine protocols implemented for travelers to the island.

The Ministry of Health further advises that continued vigilance is necessary as there is a continued risk of imported infections.

It cautions that residents must remain alert to actions that increase risk of contracting COVID -19 and continue to lessen that risk by practicing frequent handwashing, wearing face coverings in public spaces and limiting close social interactions, and adhering to the quarantine rules.

The Gamma variant of the Covid-19 virus was first detected in Japan in travelers from Brazil in January 2021, and was first detected in the UK in February 2021.