Some Good News for Motorists as Regular Gas is Once Again at the Pumps

Regular gasoline is once again available on the island.

Delta Petroleum Limited, the island’s lone supplier of fuel, confirmed that the product was delivered to the gas stations on Tuesday.

Motorists who have had to rely on the more expensive Premium gasoline for many months, are now paying 15 dollars and 69 cents retail.

The wholesale price is 14 dollars and 69 cents.

Premium gas prices are now 16 dollars and 26 cents retail and 15 dollars and 26 cents wholesale.

Fuel prices have been rising as the loosening of COVID-19 restrictions around the world, increases demand for fuel.

The price of premium gas was 14 dollars and 74 cents in January, 15 dollars and 20 cents in February, 16 dollars and 16 cents in March, before falling slightly to 15 dollars and 97 cents in April.

Meantime the price of diesel has increased from 11 dollars and 95 cents to 12 dollars and 48 cents.