FCDO Minister Supports Montserrat's Vaccination programme

The UK Minister with responsibility for the Overseas Territories has thrown his full support behind the government of Montserrat’s vaccination Programme.

Lord Tariq Ahmad of Wimbledon on Wednesday echoed the sentiments of Premier, the Honourable Joseph Farrell and his administration on the importance of and support for the vaccination programme on island.

Speaking during a live virtual press conference on the Government Information Unit (GIU) Platform and which was carried by Radio Montserrat, Lord Ahmad voiced concern over what he said was the reticence or reservation seen from members of the local community to participate in the Covid-19 vaccination programme

Meantime, UK Ambassador for health for the Overseas Territories, Professor Ian Cummings provided some comparative statistics to support the case for immunization.

He posits that vaccination in this case against Covid-19 is trading one risk for another