The Government of Montserrat Fulfills it's Promise to Pay Resident's Utility Bill

The Government of Montserrat has delivered on its promise of paying a portion of resident’s utility bills.

The Government of Montserrat, through the Ministry of Finance and Economic Management on February 26th, announced a number of COVID-19 support packages for residents, children and small businesses, as part of efforts to cushion the economic impact brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic

Namely, the ‘unemployment support’, ‘child support programme’, and ‘utility support programme’.

Under the ‘utility support programme’, the Government of Montserrat said it would cover the consumption portion of water bills and the fuel surcharge on electricity bills for all residential customers on Montserrat for the month of February.

On Friday, March 5th the Government confirmed that payments to the Montserrat Utilities Limited was made.

Public Relations Officer for the Government of Montserrat, Jenzil Skerritt