TheAgriculture Sector Gets a Timely Boost

Agricultural Food Production received a shot in the arm on Tuesday.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Housing, Lands and the Environment commissioned a new tractor and an aquaponics system.

Both are designed to boost food production and increase the island’s food security.

Director of Agriculture Melissa O’Garro says the tractor would assist farmers on smaller lots or farms.

Director of Agriculture Melissa O’Garro.

The tractor was purchased under the Small Capital Asset Fund SCAF, with funds provided by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Management.

The Ministry also on Tuesday signaled its intention to adopt new technology to boost local food production.

It commissioned the new aquaponics system on its demonstration site in Brades.

The site was established to produce healthy, chemical free plants such as lettuce.

Extension Officer, Lorenzo Greaves spearheaded the project.

He explained that aquaponics is a system of growing plants in water without soil, which produces better quality, safer food.

Lorenzo Greaves.


Meanwhile, Minister the Honourable Crenston Buffonge says the Ministry of Agriculture, Housing, Lands and the Environment continues to make strides in boosting local food production.

He believes the investment made by the government is starting to pay off.

Mr. Buffonge was speaking to ZJB News following the commissioning ceremonies for the new tractor and aquaponics system in Brades.

Minister of Agriculture, the Honourable Crenston Buffonge.