Government Announces a Number of Financial Benefits for Individuals and the Business Sector

Premier the Honourable Joseph Farrell on Tuesday announced a raft of benefits to assist individuals and businesses affected by the lockdown.

Individuals will receive 900 dollars plus 150 dollars for each child under the age of 18.

Premier Farrell also announced that businesses would receive a grant.

The government will also subsidize utility bills including water charges for one month.

Premier the Honourable Joseph Farrell.

Financial Secretary the Honourable Phillip Chambers says the benefit package costs 2.1 million dollars, which are drawn from various budgets across ministries.

Mr. Chambers says application forms will be available online for businesses to apply for financial assistance.

Financial Secretary, the Honourable Phillip Chambers.

Hard copies of the application forms will also be made available.

Meantime Director of Social Services, Terisina Fergus explained how the assistance for individuals will be rolled out.

Terisina Fergus.