Increased Access to Tertiary Level Education on the Cards for Residents on Montserrat

Increasing access to tertiary level education to OECS nationals including Montserratians will soon become a reality.

The UWI Five Islands Campus proposed to Ministers an agile approach to tertiary education that prepares OECS citizens for the present and anticipated technological revolutions.

The approach was made during the 6th Annual meeting of the OECS Council of Ministers of Education on February 4 and 5.

Minister of Education the Honourable Charles Kirnon attended the meeting, that was held virtually.

The vision underscores the importance of research for new technological development connected to economies of the OECS and the use of artificial intelligence in the technological shift of the region as creators and not mere consumers of technology.

It is expected that the vision and plan from the Five Islands Campus will be connected to the Education Research Centre soon to be established by the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill School of Education, which serves as the secretariat to the Eastern Caribbean Joint Board of Teacher Education.

Among the decisions taken at the meeting is the renewal and strengthening of efforts to align education in the region through a Regional Education Group (REG) that will help guide education development of the OECS.

The REG will comprise representatives from Ministries of Education, regional and international partner agencies and civil society organizations.