A Former Premier Calls for Urgent Assistance as Montserrat Fights a 2nd Surge of COVID-19 case

Former Premier the Honourable Donaldson Romeo has lamented the lack of further assistance from the United Kingdom to assist Montserrat in fighting the novel coronavirus.

Contributing to the Breakfast show on Thursday Mr. Romeo stated that Montserrat to date has only received 3.5 million pounds in British assistance.

That assistance was received two months into the first lockdown in 2020.

The parliamentarian called for an immediate stimulus of 5-7 million to help ease hardships experienced by persons in Montserrat.

Honourable Donaldson Romeo.

Speaking on the Breakfast Show earlier this week the British Government’s representative Governor His Excellency Andrew Pearce said the British Government was aware of the situation on Montserrat.

He also gave the assurance that anyone facing hardship will be looked after.

Governor His Excellency Andrew Pearce.