Montserrat Joins Other ECCB Member States in Signing on to the New DCash App

Montserrat joined other members of the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union in rolling out D-Cash the online payment system on Tuesday.

DCash, which is securely minted and issued by the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, is aimed at establishing safer, cheaper and faster payment options and systems.

It allows persons using the  App to make in-person or remote transactions to and from other DCash Wallet holders or merchants.

The Merchant App also allows businesses to manage consumer and business-to-business transactions, vendor payments, e-commerce, and internal cash or DCash management.

Montserrat and Dominica now join other ECCB member States - Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada, St Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines in bringing the app into circulation.

Governor of the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank Timothy Antoine says the app seeks to create greater financial inclusion in the ECCU as well as increase economic growth and business opportunities.

Timothy Antoine, Governor of the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank.

And Deputy Premier Dr., the Honourable Samuel Joseph welcomed the launch of the DCash app in Montserrat.

He says digital cash is an opportunity for persons to grow their businesses.

Dr. Honourable Samuel Joseph

Meantime, There was a demonstration of the app during the launch, where the Central bank donated one thousand dollars to the Rotary Club of Montserrat.

The transaction, was made in Dominica directly to the Account of the Rotary Club of Montserrat, where it was accepted by President Siobhan Tuitt.

President of the Rotary Club of Montserrat Siobhan Tuitt