A Former Chief Minister Calls for a Timeframe for Vaccines to Arrive in Montserrat....the Island's British Governor Responds in like Manner

A former Chief Minister called on the island’s British governor to shed some light on a timeframe for Montserrat to get its quota of COVID-19 vaccines

David S. Brandt issued the call on the “What’s on your Mind” radio programme Tuesday morning after news that the Cayman Islands and the Turks and Caicos islands, as British Overseas Territories, have already received their vaccines.

Mr. Brandt said even though it is still important to follow hand and respiratory hygiene to keep each other safe, he  asked governor, His Excellency Governor Andrew Pearce, who is responsible for foreign affairs, to  say when they will receive the vaccines.

Former Chief Minister David S. Brandt

ZJB News contacted His Excellency Governor Andrew Pearce and asked him for an update on the arrival of the covid-19 vaccine on Montserrat.

He said the AstraZeneca vaccine would arrive in Montserrat in a matter of weeks.

His Excellency Governor Andrew Pearce.