Ferry Passenger Service to be in Operation During Closure of John A. Osborne Airport Next Month

A ferry passenger service will be in place during the time the airport would be closed for the resurfacing of the runway.

This has been confirmed by Premier the Honourable Joseph Farrell.

In December the Programme Management Office announced that the Government of Montserrat had signed  a contract with Surrey Paving and Aggregate Ltd, headquartered in Jamaica, for the resurfacing of the John A. Osborne Airport.

The planned dates for airport closure are 16th - 25th February. During this time period normal air operations will cease.

However, Premeir Farrell says the government is making preparation for alternative travel arrangements and a medivac service.

Premier the Honourable Joseph Farrell.

The project will resurface the airport’s 600m runway and taxiway, improve friction performance and ensure continued regulatory compliance for air access operations.