The Announcement of a Significant Reduction in the Government's Projected 2020/21 Budget Deficit

Montserrat’s leader of government business has announced a substantial reduction in the 2020/2021 budgetary package deficit.

Speaking during a press conference Wednesday, organized by the Office of the Premier, Premier, the Honourable Joseph Farrell said the deficit is down to single digit – in the region of just over three million dollars – from the originally projected 22-million dollar figure.

Premier Farrell announced the original 22-million dollar budgetary deficit in June this year while presenting the 2020/2021 fiscal package.

Meantime, Premier Farrell, also addressed other key areas of importance including the topical access issue and the CARICOM travel bubble and Montserrat’s position where this is concerned

Premier Farrell further elaborate on how this will work.

Premier, the Honourable Joseph Farrell