Governor Pearce Responds to Claims that the Public Service Commission is not Properly Constituted

His Excellency Governor Andrew Pearce has responded to claims that the Public Service Commission is not properly constituted.

Governor Pearce in a statement to the press on Wednesday said the formation of the PSC has, throughout, been informed by legal advice from the Attorney General.

Governor Pearce said there is no doubt that the PSC is properly constituted and can function legally despite the delay in the submission of a suitable Montserrat Civil Service Association (MCSA) nominee.

That delay he says arose because one of the MCSA’s first nominations was inappropriate and the other was unavailable.

Governor Pearce added that the MCSA has proposed new nominees and an appointment is expected to be made shortly.  

The Head of the Public Service says the PSC performs an important function in the running of the Montserrat Public Service and it is vital that all members of the PSC perform their functions independently and professionally no matter who put them forward for nomination and without undue external influence.

He says it is also crucial for the public good and to the proper functioning of the Public Service that individual members engage constructively in the PSC process.

According to the Governor Pearce one of the individuals who has made what he called “unfounded claims” that the PSC is not constitutionally appointed has further asserted that the Governor thinks he is above the law and that the UK is somehow trying to “divide and rule” in this matter and others.

He said these claims are false and appear intended to foster tension and division where there is none. No one in Montserrat is above the law, he continued.

Last month in a post to its members the MCSA warned members who are awaiting matters to be brought before the PSC, to ensure that the Commission has met its constitutional requirements before appearing.

The MCSA also told members who have appeared before the commission without the full requirements being met to have their legal representative investigate the legality of the proceeding.