St Anthony Freemason Lodge Donates $2,500 as part of the Back To School Assistance Project

The St Anthony Freemason Lodge in Montserrat has made another cash donation to a charitable cause.

On Wednesday the lodge handed over funds amounting to $2,500 to the Social Service Department to help with the provision of supplies, uniforms and lunch for vulnerable children who are going back to school in September and are in need of help.

Present at the ceremony were Master of the Lodge Jermaine Wade, Treasurer Albrun Semper and other executive members of the fraternal organization.

The presentation was received by the Director of the Department of Social Services Teresena Fergus in the presence of Ms. Edris Wade, the longtime liaison between the department and the lodge.

The back to school assistance project is one of the charitable causes for which the Lodge on Montserrat as a fraternal organization specifically raises funds for on an annual basis.

The Lodge says it was able to raise the funds and to keep its commitment to support the cause despite the challenges brought on by the Covid pandemic and members not being able to have formal meetings because of local government and lodge district restrictions.

On receiving the contribution Mrs. Fergus, stated that the donation from St Anthony Lodge is timely and much appreciated, as the department needs all the support it can get because of the great pressure on its limited resources brought on by the Covid pandemic and budgetary constraints.

The Director also urges the lodge and any other organization to continue to see what further support they can provide the department’s community support programmes. This would allow it to reach out to more vulnerable persons especially at this time.