8 Persons Under Quarantine For COVID-19

The Ministry of Health has announced that a total of 8 persons have been sampled for COVID-19 testing.

The Ministry reported today that the samples were taken over the period Thursday March 19 and Saturday March 21, 2020.

Director of Primary Health Care, Dr. Dorothea Hazel- Blake said, “Since the opening of the St. Peter’s “flu clinic” on Thursday 19 March, a total of 33 persons have been assessed at the compound, twenty-one (21) on Thursday and twelve (12) on Friday.

Five (5) of those persons met the criteria for testing,that is, they were identified as high risk, displaying symptoms associated with COVID-19.

Samples were collected from an additional three (3) persons as part of the 24- hour COVID-19 Care Service established by the Ministry.

All suspected cases are in quarantine while they await the results.  

All eight samples were dispatched to the CARPHA Reference Laboratory on Monday March 23, 2020