A Call for Visitors to Montserrat to Follow Quarantine Rules

Former Premier Reuben Meade believes that persons who break the quarantine rules should feel the full weight of the law.

His comments were amid reports of persons visiting the island and failing to quarantine for the fourteen days, as stipulated by the Government.

Appearing on the Breakfast Show on Wednesday Mr. Meade said these persons are putting residents in Montserrat at risk.

Mr. Meade is appealing to visitors to obey the rules.

Former Premier Reuben Meade.

Persons who intend to travel to Montserrat have the option of staying at a government approved quarantine facility.

While staying at the designated quarantine facility, individuals must comply with any rules and guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health. 

After five days in the designated quarantine facility, individuals must pay the prescribed fee for the PCR COVID-19 test and undergo a PCR COVID19 Test.

Once the PCR Test indicates that the individual is not infected with COVID-19, he or she will be allowed to leave the facility. 

Individuals who decide to self-quarantine at home or at their place of occupancy, will be required to quarantine there for 14 days.