Government Develops Strategy to Control Iguanas

Minister of Agriculture the Honourable Crenston Buffonge says steps are being taken to control the population of agouties and iguanas across the island.

He told the Legislative Assembly that a strategy to address the agouti is being developed.

This strategy will be discussed with farmers and other stakeholders  over the next few weeks for their input and involvement.

The Department of Environment also recently set aside funds for the sourcing of agouti traps and gill netting, and will commence distribution shortly.

Meantime, Mr. Buffonge revealed that the Department of Environment with assistance from Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust  has identified a second species of iguana, which is the Saban black iguana.

He said the species of initial concern was the green iguana, which partly protected under the conservation and environmental management act.

The Saban black iguana is only found on Saba and Montserrat.

He says the approach therefore for controlling this threatened species have to be properly structured.

Towards this end, the Department of Environment and Durrell Wildlife Trust have mobilized and are working together towards the goal of developing a management plan to address the iguanas on island.