Governor, Premier Issues Joint Statement on Social Media Comments

HIs Excellency, Governor Andrew Pearce and Premier Easton Taylor-Farrell have issued a joint statement regarding their concerns over posts and comments being made on Social Media about an ongoing court case.

It is not clear what case the statement is referring to, however they expressed disappointment and concerns to see “recent discriminatory and hate-filled commentary on social media in Montserrat. Such malice and prejudice risks undermining Montserrat’s well earned reputation as a friendly and enlightened island community", the statement cautioned.

“Writing unfounded, humiliating personal accusations on social media may also lead to legal action, for discrimination or libel, or even incitement to assault. If a related case has been filed such commentary can also constitute contempt of court and may lead to a jail sentence”, the statement continued.

”We are better than this. Let’s stamp this unacceptable behaviour out of our society”, it concluded.

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