Captain White Completes Exclusive Economic Zone Training

Captain Peter W.A White of the Royal Montserrat Defence Force (RMDF) recently received training in Exclusive Economic Zone Protections.

Captain White attend the October 7th to the 11th course in the Cayman Islands, organized by the UK Ministry of Defence through the Royal Navy. Captain White was chosen due to his substantive post as the Director General of Montserrat Customs and Revenue Service (MCRS) which has responsibility for border control. The course which was set at a level of Sub Lieutenant/Lieutenant through to Captain/Colonel rank, was geared towards providing participants with a better understanding of the issues involved with EEZ management.

The course, a blended approach of lectures, discussions, case-studies, film-studies and exercises, encouraged participants to exchange ideas and views, share their leadership journeys, and draw on personal insights, challenges and solutions.

A press release issued by the RMDF said Captain White found the training to be extremely beneficial and timely and was grateful for the opportunity to reinforce the principles and increase knowledge of the Exclusive Economic Zone of the region. Captain Whites’ participation was made possible through assistance from the Office of the UK Defence Attaché for the Caribbean based in Jamaica.

The release also said that Commanding Officer Major Alvin Ryan is very happy at the training opportunity that has been afforded to the Force and the chance to work alongside other security forces within the region.

Adding that he is pleased at Captain Whites’ representation of the RMDF on this course and is confident that the recently completed training course would be highly beneficial to the Force and the country of Montserrat on a whole.