Premier Taylor - Farrell Names Cabinet

Premier, Easton Taylor – Farrell has named his cabinet after winning his first term as leader of the Movement For Change and Prosperity (MCAP).

In a press statement issues to the media on Thursday, The Premier disclosed the assigned portfolios for the MCAP candidates victorious in Monday’s general elections.

Premier Taylor Farrell will be responsible for Finance, Economic Development, Trade, Tourism and Culture.Economic Development, Trade, Tourism and Culture. Dr. Samuel Joseph has been named Deputy Premier and will preside over the Ministry of Communications, Works, Energy and Labour.

Crenston Buffonge, who contested the election for the first time under the MCAP Banner will head the Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Housing and the Environment. Presiding over the Ministry of Education, Health, Community Services, Sports, Youth and Ecclesiastic Affairs will be Charles Kirnon.

Veronica Dorsette-Hector who contested the 2019 elections for the first time will assume responsibilities for Health, Community Services, Youth and Sports. Premier Taylor Farrell said in assigning the portfolios, consideration was given to how to best utilize the skills of the members of his government.

The Premier said he is confident in the abilities of the members of his government, in whom the electorate has given a clear mandate to lead Montserrat on the path to prosperity. He said the people of Montserrat can rest assured that he will lead a government of integrity that upholds the principles of good governance.

The Premier says his government will get to work immediately to deliver on MCAP’s promises to the people.

The Ministers and Parliamentary Secretary will be sworn in on Friday.