Jamaican MP To Head Election Observation to Montserrat

The Jamaica Observer newspaper is reporting that The Peoples National Party PNP General Secretary Julian Robison will head the Election Observation Mission to Montserrat for Monday’s General Elections.

Robinson who left Jamaica on Monday ahead of the November 18th poll will participate as a member of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association British Islands, Mediterranean BIMR. The observation is observing the 2019 poll at the invitation of His Excellency Governor Andrew.

On the days leading up to the poll, the CPA BIMR Mission will meet with key stakeholders, including officials, candidates, and members of the public as part of their fact-finding operation. The mission is an independent team of seven international observers, comprising parliamentarians, officials and analysts.

The mission will observe the Montserrat elections against the backdrop of international standards and domestic laws. The initial findings and recommendations will be published after the election. In 2014, a similar observer mission participated in those elections.

International election observation has the potential to enhance the integrity of election processes, by deterring and exposing irregularities and fraud and by providing recommendations for improving the local electoral processes. Polling Stations will open at 7am on Monday November 18th and close at 6pm.

The public was informed of this on Monday in an official notice published by the Electoral Commission.

In Polling Division 1, two polling stations be located at the Montserrat Secondary School.  

In Polling Division 2, voters with surnames beginning with A-J will cast their ballots at the St. Peters Community Centre while persons with the surnames beginning with K-Z will vote at the St. Peter’s Clinic. In polling division 3, both polling stations are located at the Brades Primary School.

 Likewise in polling division 4, both polling stations are located at the Davy Hill Community Centre. In polling division 5, individuals with surnames beginning with A-1 will vote downstairs the Seventh Day Adventist Church in St. Johns while persons with last names beginning with J-Z will vote at the Church of God of Prophecy in St. John’s. In polling division 6, both polling stations will be located at the Look Out Primary School.


3858 persons are registered to vote on Elections Day Monday November 18th.


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