Government's Free Text Books Scheduled To Arrive This Month

The Ministry of Education says the textbooks that would be available to students free of charge effective September will be on island around August 22nd.

The Ministry reported this in an update to the public on the government’s free text book initiative.

According to the Ministry, the text books will cover all subject areas and all forms or grades for public primary and secondary schools.

It emphasizes that some text books have attached workbooks which are to be used for practice and reinforcement purposes.

Students will be allowed to take the text books home so as to encourage and sustain extra work at home.

The Ministry says a policy will be issued to outline the circumstances under which the books will be distributed and managed, adding that lockers have been installed at the schools to help with the storage of books during the day time at the school.

It concludes that a refundable deposit of at least 20 per cent of the total value of the book will be required from the students to mitigate against and recover some cost for extreme damage and to facilitate the conditions under which the text books are returned at the final year.

The Ministry says a later update will be given to state specific dates and other arrangements for the disbursement of text books.