School Teacher Aquitted on Indecent Assault Charges

Agricultural science teacher, Claude Gerald, is a free man.

A nine member jury returned a “not guilty” verdict for indecent assault of a number of school girls at the Montserrat Secondary School (MSS)…..Friday afternoon.

The incident arose out of New Years’ greetings at the start of the school year on an open field around midday on January 10th, at the compound of the Secondary School.  

Many students were said to be present at that time when the assault allegedly occurred and the teacher was arrested and charged after a 3 week investigation.

ZJB News learnt that the teacher faced 6 counts at the start of the near two week trial.  Indecent Assault carries a five year jail sentence for each count

Gerald’s defense team, led by attorney Warren Cassell was able to whittle the charges down to only four, in a no-case submission argument before the court on Tuesday.

Speaking to ZJB News after the acquittal, Defense Attorney Warren Cassell says the “not guilty” vedict was expected.

Attorney Warren Cassell

Meantime, Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Oris Sullivan, while accepting the jury’s decision, commended the witnesses and victims for their courage to come forward and testify

Mr. Sullivan also said that they were happy with the provisions made in the legislation, especially where victims in sexual offence cases do not have to appear live.

Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Oris Sullivan