An Antigua based Company to Make Transactions on Montserrat More User-friendly


An Antigua-based company is planning to introduce a new service that would make business transactions easier and smoother on Montserrat.

Sugar Pay Antigua on Thursday made a presentation to local business owners and members of the St Patrick’s Cooperative Credit Union (SPCCU) Staff discussing Prepaid Debit Cards, ATM Services, Online Banking and Merchant Acquiring & Settlement Services.

Group manager, electronic payment systems in the ECH Group of Companies in Antigua, Pete Richards, says Montserrat’s population is in line to benefit from Sugar Pay’s services.

The proposed financial transaction solution is designed to address the demands for transacting and capturing payments from emerging markets in secure and cost-efficient manners.

Sugar Pay Antigua will be partnering with the SPCCU to implement this initiative.

Economist and General Manager of the SPCCU, Peter Queeley, says the introduction of the company is in keeping with the organization’s mandate to improve services at the SPPCU.

Peter Queeley

ZJB News also caught up with local business owners who were in attendance and got their feedback on the company.