Twenty-Eight Early Childhood Practitioners Receive Professional Development Training

Almost thirty early childhood practitioners now have the tools to shape a solid educational foundation for children on Montserrat.

That sentiment from Early Childhood Specialist, Dr. Sheron Burns and Montserrat Community College- MCC principal, Geraldine Cabey.

Burns facilitated a one-day Professional Development session aimed at day-care and nursery teachers, on Thursday at the college.

Twenty-eight educators attended the workshop, held under the theme, “Adding Spices to Children’s Learning”.

Burns says that this workshop was in response due to the feedback from the ‘Teecha Early Childhood Conference’ she facilitated last year.

Early Childhood Specialist, Dr. Sheron Burns

Cabey explained why this conference was much needed to further improve the quality of education on the island.

Montserrat Community College principal, Geraldine Cabey.

Meantime… ZJB News caught up with some of the participants, who provided their feedback.