Opposition Leader Calls for the Development of Tourism Here

The development of the tourism sector will certainly create jobs and generate revenue for the government.

That’s according to the Leader of the Peoples Democratic Movement (PDM) and leader of the Opposition, Honourable Paul Lewis.

Speaking on Radio Montserrat this week Mr. Lewis said the island has the potential to generate millions of dollars in revenue by focusing on eco-tourism and cultural and heritage tourism….

The PDM leader further explained his party’s strategy to create employment opportunities in tourism-related sectors, such as hospitality, transportation, and tour guiding.

Honourable Paul Lewis.

Candidate for the incumbent Movement for Change and Prosperity Jamiel Greenaway says MCAP is prepared to do more to develop the tourism sector.

She says the plans include upgrading tourist facilitates, advancing eco-tourism, and offering incentives to encourage development of accommodation, tourism infrastructure and sustainable projects.

Greenaway says steps would also be taken to increase cruise arrivals, and to offer training and certification programmes for tourism industry workers.