Director Appointed for Newly Formed Financial Intelligence Unit

The newly-formed Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) has a a director in charge of its operations.

David Kleinberg was sworn in on Tuesday July 23 by Governor, Her Excellency, Mrs  Sarah Tucker.

Mr Kleinberg is responsible for the administration and management of the Financial Intelligence  Unit, which holds responsibility for conducting inquiries, investigating suspected proceeds of crime, money laundering and terrorist financing offences. 

The FIU is a new security unit and an outcome of collective work to meet FATF standards and to protect Montserrat against financial crime. 

Governor Tucker comments that this is very specialized work and that she is pleased to have such an experienced and accomplished  investigation professional join them to both set up the unit and share knowledge and expertise with  the new team. 

Prior to this appointment, Kleinberg was the Director of a UK national government and policing  collaboration, responsible for protecting the government from serious and organized crime.